Ecuador: Mindo, Quito and Cotopaxi National Park
Taking the cable car in Mindo

Ecuador: Mindo, Quito and Cotopaxi National Park

Nov 18 2021    

We wrapped up our trip on the mainland in the highlands of Ecuador. We kicked off with two days in Mindo, a cloud forest town. It was nice to be back in a local town discovering new restaurants and meeting new people.

From there, we came back to Quito to explore the city and head down to Cotopaxi National Park. It was cool to hike up one of the largest active volcanos and hike in the clouds. Canโ€™t believe the trip is over, but so happy to be on the road again!


A local bird in Mindo
A local bird in Mindo
Julia on the cable car en route to the waterfalls


Andean fox in Cotopaxi
Hiking in a cloud