Galapagos Day 2: North Seymour Island
Baby Fur Seal

Galapagos Day 2: North Seymour Island

Nov 07 2021    

We had an absolutely amazing morning hike on North Seymour Island. Within a mile we had seen six bird species, three iguana/lizard species, and a bunch of sea lions. The light was perfect for some great photos and we even got to hang out with a few baby sea lions. The biodiversity is unbelievable and all of the animals are comfortable with humans walking around.

We saw a blue-footed booby fledgling get fed by its parent on the beach and then saw frigate birds looking for a mate. This afternoon weโ€™re off to do a bit of snorkeling and sunset walk on a red sand beach. It has been a great kickoff to a week in paradise.

Frigate Birds including a male with his red pouch
Frigate Birds including a male with his red pouch
Flying male Frigate Bird
The famous Blue-Footed Booby - mother and fledgling
The famous Blue-Footed Booby - mother and fledgling
Blue-footed Booby
Baby fur seal exploring his surroundings
Baby fur seal in it's pack
Cactus eaten by iguanas and local crabs
Cactus eaten by iguanas and local crabs
Galapagos Ground Finch grabbing materials for its nest. Also an excellent Pierre photo
Land (left) and Marine (right) Iguanas
Land (left) and Marine (right) Iguanas