Day 7-8: Pumalin and Two Lagoons National Park
Adventuring in the fjords

Day 7-8: Pumalin and Two Lagoons National Park

Oct 12 2019    

Well these have been two full days of diverse ecosystems and hiking!!

Pumalin National Park

Waterfall in Pumalin National Park

We hiked to two amazing waterfalls yesterday in a temperate rain forest, quite a bit uphill but I made it. The boys were sure I could do it.

The variety of moss and ferns we saw was amazing, so plush but it was also raining and a complete slippery mud slide. The other highlight were the alerce trees which are similar to the giant redwood were quite impressive, 1-2 m wide and 2-3000 years old.

Ferns on the trail

We had a nice dinner in the Chart room with the National Geographic Photographer. It was fun to hear his story and experiences. He has worked for National Geographic for over 20 years and developed film at a 1 hour fast photo shop for Ronald Reagan and Michael Jackson.

Kelp gull in the fjords
Shag flying by the ship
Birds seen from the bridge
Birds seen from the bridge
Birds seen from the bridge

Two Lagoons National Park

Today was another hike with moderate elevation changes. We first crossed the Andes on a 2 hour bus ride from the coast and spitting distance to Argentina. The difference in topography was amazing. Once you are on the other side of the Andes there is fescue grass and almost a dry vegetation. We also saw basalt formations at the top of the hill between the two lakes at the Dos Lagunas Park.

Driving through the fjords to Two Lagoons
Forest in the Two Lagoons National Park
Lichen growing on the trees

We had noticed the Dolbek brewery driving through Coyhaique and it turns out that it was founded by the de Smet d’Olbecke de Halleux family who emigrated from Belgium in 1948 and started the brewery in 2004. We enjoyed their products with our lamb barbecue at lunch.

Magellanic Woodpeckers (Male with the red head) hanging out
Austral Pigmy Owl on the trail
One of the lagoons at Two Lagoons National Park
Bonus: We made it to the top of the hill!