Galapagos Day 2: Rabina Island
Adrian and Julia are surprised by an Iguana

Galapagos Day 2: Rabina Island

Nov 07 2021    

Excellent afternoon at Rabina Island. We had our first chance to snorkel and it was a huge success! We saw a shark, sea lions, and a bunch of fish. Neil had a chance to play with some sea lions in the surf.

We spent the afternoon walking along a beach with a high concentration of iron oxide, leaving it a dark red. We’ll be crossing the Equator tomorrow. More photos to come!


Julia - expert snorkeler
Two sea stars on the ocean floor
Two sea stars on the ocean floor
Our first shark!

Beach Walk

Neil learning about dolphin anatomy
Neil learning about dolphin anatomy
The mouth of a sea urchin
Another baby sea lion - Neil swam with him earlier in the day
Dad got some great pics of the Galapagos Mockingbird
Dad got some great pics of the Galapagos Mockingbird