Day 14: Sea day + ship tour
The dudes with the dining room team

Day 14: Sea day + ship tour

Oct 18 2019    

While we were at sea today, we wanted to take a break from wildlife to show you the sights on the ship.

We start with the bridge. One of the unique facets of the National Geographic Explorer is the fact that the bridge is open to guests. As a part of this expedition, we have four Chilean pilots who are helping guide us through the fjords. Between the pilots and the naturalists on the bridge, there is a ton of fascinating conversation.

The dudes by the ship's navigation equipment

Just in front of the bridge, there is an amazing space at the bow of the ship to catch the sights.

Ned unamused with the rain on the bow

When we need to go off the ship, we usually use the zodiacs. They are motorboats that are stored on the decks of the ship. We have to wear waterproof boots for all of the landings.

Ned and Pingu hanging out with our muckboots
James - the ship's divemaster

When we have a sea day, like today, we usually are transiting to somewhere new. These transits often come with spectacular views of the fjords. We usually take our lunch in the library because of the 360ΒΊ views.

The team in the library - where we do most of our relaxing
Amazing art around the ship

In the evenings, Lindblad expeditions have lectures and recaps - a tradition where the naturalists go into deeper detail on the wildlife, flora, geology, and history. The depth of experience onboard is immense.

The main lounge - where all of the lectures take place

Finally, the dining room team is exceptional. The head chef is Swedish and has a great range of skills.

Our amazing dining room team
Us with the guys
Bonus: The dudes and their drinks
Bonus: The dudes and their drinks
Bonus: The dudes and their drinks