Day 19: Observatory Island
Sea Lion around Observatory Island

Day 19: Observatory Island

Oct 23 2019    

For our second day on Staten Island (Isla de los Estados), we had the opportunity to hike across the island and then head to a wildlife hotspot, Observatory Island.

Island hike

In the morning, we cross from one side of the island to the other. On the way, we saw some amazing landscapes and a striated caracara taking off.

The mountains of Staten Island
Lost King Penguin molting
Caracara taking off

Observatory Island

Observatory Island is a small island off the coast of Staten Island. It is a hotspot for birds, penguins, and seals. The sheer number of animals that we saw was impressive. It was fun to see the variety of behaviors of the different animals.

Dolphin Gull
Magellanic Oystercatcher and Rock Cormorants
Magellanic Oystercatcher and Rock Cormorants
Magellanic Oystercatcher and Rock Cormorants
Seals and sea lions hanging out
Seals and sea lions hanging out
Seals and sea lions hanging out
Bonus: Carol in the bay